Classes de Maternelle : TPS/PS, MS et GS
Chers parents,
Le vendredi 11 décembre après-midi, la conteuse Mathilde de Lapeyre viendra en visite chez nos petits élèves de Maternelle pour présenter son spectacle conté :
« En attendant le Père Noël ».
Les enfants profiteront de la magie des mots et des gestes d’une conteuse professionnelle lors d’un spectacle qui s’inscrit dans le thème de l’année autour des contes et du Fabuleux. Le spectacle sera suivi du traditionnel goûter de Noël.
Nous vous remercions de procéder au règlement en ligne
avant le 4 décembre 2020.
Tarif : 7€ / enfant
Kindergarten Classes: TPS/PS, MS and GS
Dear Parents,
In the afternoon on Friday 11th December, the storyteller, Mathilde de Lapeyre, will come to visit our youngest pupils in Kindergarten to present her story-telling show:
Waiting for Father Christmas.
The clouds have turned into a big snowman in the land of Father Christmas. He can’t wait for Christmas! While he waits, the tree needs to be decorated, and cakes and chocolates must be made. Above all Father Christmas must be woken up so he can prepare for his long trip! At last, Christmas Eve is here and Christmas lights sparkle and magic fills the air … During Father Christmas’ trip handing out all the presents, our snowman is not forgotten. Let’s find out together what Father Christmas has brought.
This show is about Christmas and is specially adapted to the very young age group of Kindergarten children with specific vocabulary, gestures, colours, accessories, nursery rhymes and sounds. It is performed to the children at their level with the participation of the accompanying adults / teachers. |
The children will enjoy the magic of words and gestures performed by this professional storyteller during the show which is perfectly linked with the on-going yearly theme of fabulous fairytales. This show will be followed by a traditional Christmas party.
Please proceed to payment online
before 4th December 2020.
Tariff : 7€/child