SAT preparation course – Stage de préparation au SAT

The International Bilingual School in Baillargues (EPBI) is organising preparation courses for the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test).

This test measures general verbal skills in English and Mathematical reasoning.

The SAT is a university entrance exam, required for most applications to American universities.

For several years, major European Business Schools such as Luigi Bocconi University in Milan, ESADE in Barcelona and IE Madrid have also required an SAT score.

The 25-hour, one-week course provides intensive training in SAT reasoning and multiple-choice questions. This is an opportunity to learn the right strategies to increase your final score. To get a good SAT, knowledge is not enough, methodology is essential!

During this course, students will begin and end with a mock exam, so they can visualize their progress. With a total of 10 hours of English lessons, 10 hours of Mathematics and 5 hours of exam practice, students complete their preparation week with a good overview of the exam and will have the keys to success.

Dates: Monday 24th February – Friday 28th February 2025


Monday and Friday:

  • 8h30-10h00 : English Test
  • 10h15-11h45 : Maths Test
  • 11h45-12h30 : Pause
  • 12h30-14h30 : Correction and English Prep
  • 14h30-16h30 : Correction et Maths Prep

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday:

  • 8h30-10h30 : English Prep
  • 10h30-10h45 : Pause
  • 10h45-12h45 : Maths Prep

Tariff for EPBI students: 360 €
Tariff for non EPBI students: 510 € (enrolment fee included)
